Monday, 8 February 2010


This advert plays on many stereotypes, the use of propps such as knifes and the Mise-en- scene , which has many typical conventions of grime and dirt. This advert helps us as a group because it acts as a guidline in which we do not stp out of and we continuously change the view on black youths as transitionning from 'bad' to 'good'.


This particular video takes a more realist perspective and uses an example to shock the audience. The fact that the main character in this knife crime advert is black reinforces the stereotype; something which we hope to change and challenge. Moreover, this advert helps us as a group to decide which angle to look at through our production; do we take a realist approach and try to reflect the zeitgeist and highight the problem? Or do we (as a group) completely ignore this and reflect the positive side of black youths.


'The media are loving it' - this advert exemplifies the media's treatment of black youths, because the dominant representation of youths as violent thugs is the only form of representation of black youths; which ignore the subordinate representation of black youths. This particular advert, consisting of young blak artists, will help us as a group because within this advert black youths look up to these MC's and idolise them. Therefore, this advert could help us as to whether we will showcase young inspirational black youths or just normal everyday youths.

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