Monday, 19 October 2009

Gender and Ethnicity...x

Gender and Ethnicity.......x

Gender is a set of characteristics that are able to distinguish between male and female. There are two types of gender's 'Male' & 'Female'. Gender in the media is an enormous factor where the 'Male' gender is dominant in the industry, in terms of 'media ownership' where men are usually the dominant figures in the industry and also where media texts are 'positioning' women in in 'subordinate' role witht the use of 'male gaze', where every perspective of texts are seen through the males eyes. In addition, with in terms of the idustry 'sexism' plays a huge part in the distribuation of texts and how texts are consumed and percieved.


Ethnicity within the media is an influence in many ways on all three platforms, e-media, print and broadcast. In many ways ethnicity can lead to a 'moral panic' where due to the 'stereotypical' view linked in with that particular ethnicity an element of 'racism' can also be argued; where the ethnicity of the story plays a part in the correct telling of that particular story being told, in addition, an element 'bias' links in with the story aswell. Furthermore, the study of 'ethnography' where the researcher attempts to understand that certain culture.

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