Thursday, 10 December 2009

Bibliography study....x

Laughey, Dan (2009): Media Theories and Approaches: Harpenden, Herts: Kamera Books This book is by Dr Dan Laughey, and is a senior lecturer in media and culture at Leeds University. He has mainly written about different aspects of the media, in a more micro outlook and wider context e.g. political influences.

Page 70- 71 Representation.

'Representation is the is the process of depicting real things, people, places, events'
' British cultural theorist Stuart Hall shows how real meanings are never fixed but always contested’
‘ representation and reality are not mutually exclusive’
‘don’t convey fixed meanings’
‘it is wrong to assume that a state of anarchy wherein everyone is free to interpret in our lives’.
‘Most of us grow up with shared beliefs, shard language, shared hopes and aspirations’

These quotations particularly are useful as Laughey directly addresses the wider context. Specifically speaking this does not link directly to the bias representation of the British media towards Back youths, however, looking at the wider context will not only give my essay more depth and marks but it gives a greater understanding as to why audiences tend to belive in what the media portray as being black, because of the fact we ‘have shared beliefs’.

Mckee, Alan (2003): Textual Analysis A beginners guide. London: Sage

Page 63 ‘What’s interpretation got to do with it? ‘

‘the ways in which different members of different cultures may make sense of a text will vary just as much as the way in which they make sense of the world around them’.

Again, this isn’t specifically linked to the representation of black youths, however, looking from a wider context- this provides reasons as to why the reception of the stories are formed from different cultures. Therefore, raising the debate as to whether it is actually the fault of the institutions- or whether the reception received from the texts is partly from the ideologies of the institution. Finally, raising many debates as to whether the content of the cinema adverts and newspapers are actually value free (objective) or value laden (subjective) baring in mind that media intuitions such as the ‘The Sun’ are not obligated to print information that can be related to all types of ethnicities and cultures within society, like the BBC have to conform to.

Manovich, Lev (2001): The Language of New Media: Massachusetts: MIT Press Page 15

‘As the case with all cultural representations, new media representations are also inevitably biased’
Page 16
‘They represent and construct features of a physical at the expense of others.
Page 17
‘Image interface’ – referring to how images are an illusion created by the newspaper – or media corporations.

Since I am looking at the representations of black youths, I felt it was important to look at the cultural representations and how new media acted as a pedestal in which cultural audiences can be segregated from society and be considered as the ‘other’. ‘Image Interface’ I felt that this makes my essay more sophisticated as having this term gives many meanings as to what the institutions intentions are by the use of ‘image interface’ and how much this anchors the entire story and influence the reception of the text.

Bennett, Peter, Slater, Jerry & Wall, Peter (2006): A2 Media Studies The Essential Introduction. Oxon : Routledge

Chapter 4 Representation page 74

'integral part of all human communication’

Page 78

Woodard 1997:145

‘Discourses and systems of representation construct places from which individuals can position themselves from which they speak... the media can be seen as providing us with the information which tells us what it feels like to occupy a particular subject position- the streetwise teenager, the upwardly mobile worker or the caring parent’.

Ross (2000)

‘The lack of positive role models and the way in which black minority characters are routinely stereotyped contribute to feelings of low self esteem and failure, especially among young black minority children...

'because most black minority children in Britain were born in the country, their knowledge of ‘home’ is very limited, gleaned from what their relatives tell them and of course form television.’

These quotes very much into how minorities- who are the subordinate groups within media- are represented differently, due to their background. Furthermore, looking at how society has made link to society and the effect it has had.

Osgerby, Bill (2004): Youth Media: Oxon Routledge

Page 107

Hechinger and Fred Hinchinger (1962) ' It is through the mass media that the images and desires of teen-agers are at once standardized and distorted'.

Lipsitz (1994)

'Today's youth culture proceeds from a different proceeds from a different premise. Instead of standing outside society, it tries to work through it'.

These quotations speak from an outsiders point of view and look further into how this representations as youths as a whole are treated within society.

Strinati, Dominic (2000): An introduction to studying popular culture: Oxon Routledge

Page 238

'Mass media as a type of designer ideology, Harvey (theorist) images dominate narrative'

This quotation is significant and important as this provides a simple yet meaningful insight as to how negative representations are created in the first place.

Rayner, Phillip & Wall, Peter (2006): The essential introduction for AQA: Oxon Routledge


This term refers to how media texts are created that wouldn't normallty be exposed within the media as it would be highly contradicting. therefore, 'Subjective' refers to the actually writing and creating the text applied with thier own ideologies and beliefs and use that to create an interpretation.

Storey, John (2005): Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, An Introduction

'Race and Rascism'

These terms are both titles of debates within society, as to whether institutions are just reffering to their race or being racist.

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